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JUST MMA Rolls Into The First Quarter With More For The Combat Community

In 2017, JUST MMA concluded the year of festivities with two back to back weekends of combat entertainment, JUST Challenge Macau (Nov 25th, 2017) and JUST Challenge - Hong Kong (Dec 1st, 2017) and gave the local crowd a...

鬧市中的氧氣 – VO2 Fitness & Martial Arts (三): 讓香港發展更綜合的綜合格鬥


鬧市中的氧氣-VO2 Fitness & Martial Arts (二): 讓運動員更純粹成為運動員


鬧市中的氧氣 – VO2 Fitness & Martial Arts (一):在現代都市尋找傳統的新路線

銅鑼灣,一個屬於香港島區極為繁盛的市區。就在這甚具傳統香港特色的電車軌與鵝頸橋的交界之下,VO2 Fitness & Martial Arts (VO2)卻為這個繁華的香港都市打造創新又像很原始的一條武術之路。

世紀之戰 — 綜合格鬥與拳擊的世代之爭

麥佳格與梅韋達的大戰即將於本周未舉行。 這場前所未有的跨平台之戰,吸引了各個層面的觀眾的目光聚焦。 我們並不打算討論兩者的技術高低以推算勝負,我們更想著眼的是: 在這場比拼背後, 綜合格鬥與拳擊這兩項當前最具市場價值的搏擊運動項目, 到底會帶來甚麼影響?

What are the most effective techniques in Martial Arts and how will they improve...

With so many styles of Martial Arts and so many principles to consider when practicing the arts, sometimes we occupy our minds with what is the most effective. But, is this way of thinking limiting our capacity as Martial...

The Michelangelo Principle

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo. Michelangelo's Artful Words suggest that the "Angel" existed in the marble prior to his carving, or that he did not carve the form of...

5 Reasons to try Muay Thai

The Thai Martial Art of Muay Thai is extremely popular and considered one of the most effective striking styles in Mixed Martial Arts. Here's just 5 reasons why you should give it a go! Muay Thai is the combat sport...

3 Reasons Why You Should Try Wrestling

Wrestling represents one of the oldest forms of combat with origins dating back 15,000 years but was first introduced as an Olympic Discipline in 1896 in Athens as Greco-Roman Wrestling.  Just as there are multiple forms of wrestling, there...
Backstage of Mixed Martial Arts Competition IMPI World Series Asia 6

3 Ways Martial Arts Will Optimise Executive Functioning

Living in a city can be exhausting. Often people juggle jobs, a social life, families and sometimes all three. This balancing act is no easy feat but what if we told you that putting a couple hours aside a day to practice Martial...