JUST Chill Out – Monthly Give Away!


    In order to perform at your peak, you need to make sure you have time to chill out. Thats why every month, until Just Challenge – Hong Kong on December 1st, we’ll be giving away 4 Cryogenic Therapy Sessions at Polaris Hong Kong. It’s as simple as following these steps! 

    Cryogenic Therapy is the use of extremely cold temperatures to stimulate the blood circulation and boost recovery! Polaris Wellness is Hong Kong’s ultimate chill out zone.

    Polaris’ Whole Body Cryogenic (WBC) Treatment is what JUST MMA athletes do to restore their bodies from a tough week of training.

    For a chance to win your FREE session follow these steps:

    1. Like & Follow our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/JUSTMMA.hk
    2. Tag us & Share this post to at least 3 of your friends!
    3. Check in with us and your inbox regularly for our monthly announcement of our winners!


    For more information on Cryogenic Therapy and Polaris, check out their website www.polaris-wellness.com